Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Newspaper's ~N~ Danger???

I hate to admit this but I don't read the newspaper unless one of my kids are in it, I'm looking for a job, looking to buy something or going to yard sales. I know I'm a bad girl LOL!! I wish I did have more time to actually sit down and read the newspaper but I dont. I think maybe that's why newspapers are going under or at least one reason a couple of others I think is our culture is going GREEN and man printing papers isn't exactly saving tree sorry for the bad humor...Anyways for real most people have apps on their phone that give them their news they need to know. When not on your phone on the computer I mean really how hard is it to just google the latest news NOT hard at all. You go to any major website like MSN, Yahoo, and AOL they do the work for you but that's not your local news. I would have to say that with all this other types of news it takes out the personal touch on events that are happening around you. Like for example our newspaper in my very small commuity reports on everything that is happening or is going to happen. I took my son the other day to a reading program at the library where they are trying to keep kids reading throughout the summer which I think is great because like they say "If you don't use it you lose it!!!" I had no idea that it was going to be in the paper but the next week sure enough the kids that attended had their picture taken and it was in the paper along with an article about the program. I think this is the kind of stuff that will go overlooked if we lose our newspapers. So in this case I feel that we still need our newspapers. I asked a couple of people how they felt about their newspaper and they said that for them the newspaper is a must! It is part of their daily routine, part of their culture, and plays a big role in a small town. It is a way to get the little voices out there heard. Don't get me wrong I might not read the paper but I think it is something that will be around for a long time we need it just to unplug ourselves from everything and listen to the small but important voices around us and get involved in your community and a newspaper can help you do that. Rock-On Newspapers and Where would we be without the Paper Boy!!!

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