Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where Art Thou Magazines???

Magazines Oh the things I can say about YOU!!! # 1 I have a love, hate relationship with them!! # 2 I love reading all the tips (that I never use lol), looking at all the latest fashions (that I can't wear or afford to wear), and reading all the advise that they give it is Hilarious!! Besides all that it is like a between the show long nightmare that never ends. I mean that it is like commercial after commercial never a break besides the fact that it is on a page and you can just turn it!! Magazines sometimes are my worst nightmare because of all the skinny BLEEP in them lol!! It makes you think about wanting to look like that and Man face it you are never going to look that perfect..... I mean for goodness sakes they have been airbrushed after being photographed so that is a NO GO!! Anyways who needs any more media telling us that we look bad for REALS!! It is like everywhere you turn don't do this, don't eat that, don't wear this and don't do that enough with the perr pressure already we are just people trying to be ourselves!! So what I'am trying to say is Just Let ME do ME because I'm good at that and I will be the best ME I can be sorry to harp on that but it seems like every where we turn someone is busy telling US!!! That we aren't good enough until we have this or look like that or eat this or try that STUPID and these people are making bank....We are paying for this stuff for Real I can't believe it!! So let me get this straight we are paying for one more thing that is bad for US who knew!!! Don't get me wrong there are magazines out there that are awesome and are great for learning and those are the ones like teach said that are good for our brains that we are probably not reading because we are worried about other things. I think that magazines will be around for a little bite longer but soon we will be able to just download our favorites on our iPhones or computers that we can carry around with us. So just like everything else that has went to computers like books we have e-readers and stuff we will have e-magazines lol can I go ahead and copyright that?? I like reading magazines more than books because I know it is a quick read and I'am all about that!!

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